AshleyHow Taking Up A Gig Finally Made Me Realise My Self-limiting BeliefsThose who know me would probably know I started learning music as a self-taught in 2013 and then formally with a teacher only in 2017. I’m…Aug 28, 20223481Aug 28, 20223481
InMotivate the MindbyAshleyLife Lessons I Learned When I Let Go Of My Best Friend Of 10 YearsT/w: mentions and implications of self-harmJul 15, 20221303Jul 15, 20221303
AshleyMy Quarter Life Crisis; Battling The Idea Of A Dream Life Vs A Dream JobWhat do I wanna do when I grow up? Here’s my struggle and approach.Jul 3, 2022601Jul 3, 2022601
AshleyIncompatibility Causes Toxic Relationships When Forced.If only we understood earlier that we just weren’t compatible.Jun 17, 20223346Jun 17, 20223346
AshleyI’m Stuck Working with Someone Who Tests My Patience. Here’s How I’m Coping.So I’m stuck at work with someone whose working style and personality may have just clashed with mine. The odd thing though? We kinda…Jun 11, 20221503Jun 11, 20221503
AshleyHow Taking A Long, Unwarranted Break Helped Reinforce My Habit Building SystemI suffered from a foot injury last November. It both disrupted and triggered a series of plans and events (sounds dramatic, and it wasn’t…May 16, 20224063May 16, 20224063
InMotivate the MindbyAshleyIf There Is One Thing Conducting My First Interview Taught Me, It’s This.Energy is so contagious.May 9, 20221352May 9, 20221352
InThe MasterpiecebyAshleyThe School System Produces Lazy Exam Learners And Takers. Here’s Why.The school learning system makes us lazy.Mar 20, 20223205Mar 20, 20223205
AshleyWhat Hunting For Marketing And Editorial Internships Taught MeThat it’s not for meMar 19, 20224759Mar 19, 20224759
InCRY MagazinebyAshley5 Little Gestures I’m Practicing To Learn To Be More Confident (And AssertiveOn practicing to become a more confident meFeb 14, 20221806Feb 14, 20221806
InCounter ArtsbyAshleyInferiority Complex Makes Me Feel Being Less PassionateIt Makes Me Feel Less Of A MusicianFeb 9, 2022233Feb 9, 2022233
AshleyFamily New Year Celebrations Don’t Feel The Same Anymore, And It Never WillI blame it all on adulting and covid.Feb 2, 20221783Feb 2, 20221783
InAlternative PerspectivesbyAshleyNot Everything Happens For A Reason. No, not just lessons. Reasons.Things sometimes happen not to teach you something, but to change you.Jan 21, 202234Jan 21, 202234
InMotivate the MindbyAshleyA Simple Self Care Gesture I’ve been Implementing And LovingWell, it’s not exactly new. I started this last December.Jan 9, 20222954Jan 9, 20222954
AshleyThe 3 Quotes I’ll Be Working On Living By in 2022 To Improve My LifeI’m not one who set resolutions anymore, but I’ve just found these on the last day of 2021, and the first 2 days of 2022.Jan 5, 20223232Jan 5, 20223232
AshleyBefore You Quit Your Dream: What It Means to Remember Why You StartedI just realised what that motivation quote entails, and this is my story.Dec 28, 20211701Dec 28, 20211701
Ashley3 Lessons I Learnt About Communication From A Recent Conflict with My Childhood Best FriendAlso, are relationships beginning to feel more disposable these days?Dec 10, 20214048Dec 10, 20214048
Ashley5 Job Application Red Flags I Should’ve Noticed Before Dodging The BulletAfter the haunting HR experience, I’m glad I didn’t end up working for themDec 6, 2021160Dec 6, 2021160