AshleyHow Taking Up A Gig Finally Made Me Realise My Self-limiting BeliefsThose who know me would probably know I started learning music as a self-taught in 2013 and then formally with a teacher only in 2017. I’m…Aug 28, 20221Aug 28, 20221
InCounter ArtsbyAshleyInferiority Complex Makes Me Feel Being Less PassionateIt Makes Me Feel Less Of A MusicianFeb 9, 2022Feb 9, 2022
AshleyBefore You Quit Your Dream: What It Means to Remember Why You StartedI just realised what that motivation quote entails, and this is my story.Dec 28, 20211Dec 28, 20211
InMotivate the MindbyAshleyA Cry For help — What It Feels Like To Work Without A Purpose or GoalI’m in a slump. Again.Nov 4, 20219Nov 4, 20219
AshleyDear Younger SelfTo the younger me, throughout several phases in my life.Oct 26, 20215Oct 26, 20215
AshleyI’ve just gotten into my dream college course. I want out.I didn’t deserve the spot. Imposter Syndrome kicked in — hard. Here’s what my therapist told me that helped.Oct 8, 20215Oct 8, 20215